Never again to divulge too much private information: 4 useful tips for talking to work colleagues

“At work, you can only talk about two things in a really innocuous way: about your own pet and positive work matters”, is the creed of some. But is that true?

Good manners in the office are important – some private anecdotes or polarizing opinions are better kept to yourself. However, this by no means having to keep silent about everything private. But which topics of conversation are appropriate for the coffee break and which topics are taboo? 4 tips on how to avoid excessive openness with private information without being considered a closed curmudgeon.

Tip number 1: adapt to the company’s discussion culture.

If you start a new job, many new impressions have to be processed. Just as you should adapt to the dress code of the new position, it is wise to adapt to the culture of conversation – as long as you are comfortable with it. The appropriateness of personal topics is very company and industry-dependent. Another factor that matters is how flat the hierarchy in the company is. If you start a new job, you are well-advised to first observe the new corporate and discussion culture and to adjust your own behavior accordingly. The often mentioned soft skills come into play here: employees who show emotional intelligence and can regulate their emotions have a clear advantage.

Tip number 2: Take remorse seriously

“Why did I just say that?” Anyone who repeatedly feels regret at the end of the day about what they have revealed to their colleagues during the day urgently needs to rethink their own communication style. In all likelihood, it means that impulsiveness or emotionality is disregarding personal boundaries. Daily mindfulness meditation and dealing with your own fears can help to recognize these limits and to respect them. Anyone who reveals too much private information through emotional states and recognizes this tendency has already won half. In this case, you can set out to process intense emotions yourself first before you take them to your teammates.

Tip number 3: No monologues – no problem

The form of a conversation between employees is also a strategy how to avoid “oversharing”. There is room to talk to the other person give and hold back yourself. Anyone who answers briefly and crisply can difficult to talk into a mess. Who asks open questions, actively and listening carefully, and keeping eye contact also has a more positive effect on colleagues.

Tip number 4: Polarizing topics. Discuss carefully at work

It’s always a good idea for yourself, too question: Is my counterpart happy with the topic of conversation? Discuss
I do all sorts of private things and my teammate only listens out of courtesy?
Generally sensitive topics are politics, religion, and identity. When it comes to discussion, it is very difficult to be objective on such topics stay. Negative too. Topics of conversation about money, illness, and marital problems belong in the workplace unsuitable category. It is much smarter to deal with everyday topics – that is, topics for which everyone. Being able and willing to have a say – to start a casual conversation. These issues include, for example, the weather, travel, sports, or other (common) hobbies.

How Much Private Information Do You Give Away Every Day?

The conclusion

All in all, it becomes clear: The company’s culture of discussion has to be right, for the sake of one’s own mental health. Nowadays, it’s easy to find a company with a conversation culture that suits you. Anyone who no longer feels comfortable in the company should look for a new job or innovative company.