Work-life balance – tips for a successful implementation


Work-life balance means the balance between (private) life and work. The aim is to develop as healthy a division as possible between professional and private interests. The point is not to achieve a 50/50 breakdown as much as possible, but to find a good and appropriate harmony between the two. Neither private nor professional requirements must be neglected.

Why is a good work-life balance important?

A good work-life balance is very important. Those who work too much over a long period of time run the risk of physical harm. The most famous and stress-related one is burnout. But there are also far more nondescript signs that you are working too hard. The most common signs of excessive stress include difficulty sleeping, social isolation, and a certain feeling of listlessness. At the latest with such signs, you should react and reduce the stress level. In addition, personal happiness is also related to professional happiness. Those who have a good and balanced private life are also more successful at work!

Many forget that the company also benefits from an employee with a good work-life balance. For him, it is an advantage to be able to employ a motivated, fit and creative employee and not one who is ailing and gets sick more quickly.

Further signs that my work-life balance has optimization potential

Typical signs to check that you are not working too much are forgetfulness, confusion, and that you are quickly overwhelmed. You notice that there is no longer a clear separation in the brain and you start to mix things up or just forget about them. You should also keep asking yourself whether my fellow human beings or my social contacts are not neglected. Often you get so involved in your work that you don’t even notice how you isolate yourself more and more. It already helps to question yourself now and then: “Am I satisfied with my current life situation?” Those who can answer yes to this question often have a satisfactory work-life balance.

Что такое Work-Life balance, и почему важно поддерживать его у сотрудников?

Tips for a good work-life balance


In times of digitization and constant availability, it is difficult to completely disconnect from the business. Be it checking the e-mails again before going to bed or finishing something “briefly” even though you have been out of work for 20 minutes. Of course, it is not always possible to clearly delimit yourself, but it is important to have certain time windows in which you simply cannot be reached and can switch off your head. A helpful tip can also be to regard business and private appointments as being equivalent. Of course, there are business appointments that cannot be postponed and that should not be missed. But there are also those in private life. Make sure you find a good balance here too and don’t always prefer business appointments to private ones.

Health and exercise

If you just sit (or stand) in an office all day, you lack a certain physical fitness. Sport and exercise help you to concentrate better and it is a good way of counterbalancing the constant sitting at the office desk. Try to establish a routine and, for example, always go jogging once a week.

Tip: Drink plenty of water regularly. Because if you don’t drink enough fluids, your concentration drops.

Set realistic goals

If you drive to work every day without motivation or just never feel like doing it, it could also be due to your approach. Try to set realistic goals that you want to achieve today. Also, try to solve the biggest tasks first. It can be very demotivating to know that the toughest part is yet to come. A good start can be to set small daily goals that are easier to meet. It will feel good to achieve the goals and it will motivate you to set more. And when you reach a big goal, you should take the time to enjoy it and reward it. - Work-life balance для программиста. К чему я пришел.


All of these tips can help you strike a better work-life balance. But you must check yourself again and again. It doesn’t help to follow these tips for a while and then fall back into old behavior. Check and reflect again and again, and be sure to keep progress!

Are you interested in a new challenge? Or are you looking for something completely new? Here you will find the five professions with the best work-life balance. Maybe there is something for you here too?

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